This weekend we pretty much stayed around home. Charles was sick last week and took half a day off on Thursday, so he really wanted to relax this weekend. On Friday, we went to a showhome furniture sale but didn't see much except for a pool table that we considered buying. However, after doing more research at home (and with some help from Chris) we decided to hold off and buy a different brand. On Saturday we went to see the house again; they poured our basement concrete but that's about it. Then we did some shopping and came home to watch The Last King of Scotland. What a fantastic movie! The special feature where Forest Whitaker talks about how deeply he got into the character of Idi Amin was fascinating. Today we went to Crescent Beach with Caleb and Charlie. Now we're watching the hockey game and since it's intermission we're off to bathe Caleb and get him ready for bed.
PS- I added a list of books that we've read recently; if you're interested in borrowing any of them just let us know!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

We had a pretty busy weekend that ended up kind of extending itself to Monday night! On Saturday we went to Bear Creek Park with Trish, Jitt, and Tyler for the Earth Day celebration. None of us had been before and it was really interesting to see all of the booths that were set up. I can't wait until Caleb can enjoy the activities that they had set up for kids: a bouncy castle, face painting, and bubbles. We headed home in the early afternoon for Caleb's nap and then met up with the Uppals at their place for a barbecue dinner. After both boys were asleep we sat up just catching up for a while. There are some photos in the April folder.
On Sunday we did a few errands and went by the new house. So much changes in a week; we now have a roof, windows, and exterior doors. Each week I look forward to seeing all of the progress. On Sunday evening we were at Mom and Dad's for dinner (we didn't have to cook all weekend!) and we had the chance to really enjoy their newly completed backyard. It looks fantastic!
We had tickets for Damien Rice on Monday night (yes, we missed the hockey game) and we headed down early with hopes of eating at Vij's. However, hockey traffic was stupid and when we finally got there at 6, they had an hour long wait (not surprisingly). So, we went next door and ate at Rangoli - it was fantastic!
Then we went to The Centre for the concert. Our seats were in the centre of the front row and I really enjoyed being so close. During his encore, he performed Blower's Daughter acoustically and mic-free; it felt as though he was singing just for us; he was just standing right in front of me. I was surprised that his performance was a lot heavier in parts than one would expect from the CDs and it made for a very energetic show at times. We were also pleased to see how respectful the audience was. When he pulled back the energy and played more laid back songs, the audience was silent. He took a lot of risks as a performer in that he had long pauses and some long, quiet instrumental sections and I kept expecting some idiot to ruin the moment, but no one did. It was amazing. If he ever comes back I'll definitely be going to see him again. His interaction with the crowd was great - he's hilarious and who can resist that Irish accent?!
Caleb is so close to crawling that I keep thinking that I'm going to have to call Charles at school to let him know that our son is mobile. He's also getting more and more vocal (usually when we're watching tv!) and working hard on growing teeth; he now has five. Maybe when he's done with teeth he'll start growing some hair! I'll keep adding photos to the albums as I get them.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Beautiful Weekend!
On Friday night we went back the The Vault in Cloverdale. This time we went to see 2/5 of The Little Brother Band as Kelly and her bandmate, Wes performed. They played a lot of their originals along with some covers than spanned from U2 to Bob Marley to Blue Rodeo. Fantastic show, guys! We had a great time with Cori and her friends Jodi, Christy, and Dakota. Due to the hockey game, it wasn't as busy as usual which made it feel like a more intimate show.
On Saturday, we took Caleb out to White Rock for a picnic lunch. The beach was surprisingly empty and so we found a great spot on the grass. Following lunch we walked along the beach to get some coffee and then headed home for Caleb's nap. There are some photos in the April album. When he woke up we drove out to see our new house. We have a roof! I can't believe that we move in six weeks - I imagine the changes that we see in the house each week from here on out will be huge. We look forward to seeing you all at our 'House Cooling' party! And since a few have asked, it doesn't involve helping us pack! Or at least we hadn't thought of that... ; )
On Sunday evening, we went to Kris and Claudine's for an impromptu dinner. We had some fantastic smoked ribs, smokies, grilled asparagus and potatoes. A summer meal for sure! The boys were in bed by around 8:00 which left us free to chat for a few hours before heading home. Claudine had made home-made doughnuts for dessert which were fantastic. We ended off the evening by enjoying a really nice 10-year old Fonseca Port. Ah...summer is definitely approaching!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Easter Long Weekend
Now that the long weekend is over, I'm finding it difficult to remember what we actually did. Saturday seems to have disappeared from my mind aside from the fact that we went to Dublin Crossing for lunch only to be told that we weren't allowed to bring Caleb in - we were stunned! Needless to say, we went elsewhere for lunch. On Sunday we spent the day doing some shopping and other errands. Then on Monday, we went out for an Easter lunch with Friedhelm, Joyce, Matthew, Christopher, and Paul (who is down visiting from Prince George). After coming home for Caleb's nap, we went to drop him off at my parents' before going to see 300. It actually had more storyline than I was expecting and I ended up really enjoying it. Today we went to the Aquarium and had a fantastic time. It was a beautiful day and we timed the trip perfectly so that Caleb had his first nap on the way there and his second nap on the way home and was awake for the whole visit- I think we're getting the hang of this! Well, tomorrow Charles is back to work but at least it'll be a very short work week!
If anyone else out there needs a good laugh at 8:00 in the morning, Mandy posted this great link : Bunnies on her website. We've had a pretty busy long weekend (extra long as Charles has today off) and I'll update more when we return from the Aquarium this afternoon. In the meantime, I am continually adding photos to the April album.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Spring has Sprung?
What a week. As soon as I had started to feel as though Spring had arrived, we had snow! Unbelievable. Caleb also had his 6 month shots this past week. He didn't cry at all for the first one and kind of whined a bit at the second - we were very proud. Last night Rob, Matt, and Christopher came over for the hockey game followed by a few games of darts. Caleb has been experimenting with a few different foods, some of which elicit interesting facial expressions (see the April album for examples). I've also added some of our older travel albums as I don't anticipate going on any big trips any time soon!
Still stuck on 54.3...grrr...
PS- This afternoon we headed out to Crescent Beach for a walk with Caleb; it was so hot out that any doubts about what season we are in have now disappeared!
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