Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Week From Hell

I am so relieved that last week is over! It started with finding out that our house is delayed by two weeks on Monday and something negative happened every day for the rest of the week up until Saturday. I won't get into it all here, I've been able to vent a bit to friends and don't really want to think about it anymore.
On the up side, we did have a great time at Claudine's birthday barbeque last Tuesday. We had a delicious dinner and really enjoyed our time with friends and Kris's family. Thanks guys - it was definitely a bright point of my week!
Caleb had a fantastic week. He got into a sitting position by himself on Monday, started crawling on Tuesday, and waved bye-bye to us as we were leaving for the barbeque. We've had our hands full as he is becoming more and more mobile. No matter how many more foam mats we buy for the tile floor, he remains determined to get off the mats and onto the floor. Today he got the first of what I'm sure will be many bumps on his head. He cried for about a minute and then was back to his cheerful self.
So far this week has been much better and I hope it continues that way!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day Weekend

This past week, Caleb and I had company at Baby & Me Aquafit as Rina decided to sign up for the next set of classes. Mattias was right at home in the water and Caleb is becoming more and more playful during the class now that he has completely examined the pool and its surroundings. It seems that he needs to truly analyse his environment before he begins to trust it.

I spent some time on Friday getting a group together to go to the Roxy Surf Camp in Tofino. So far there are five or six of us planning to go and I'm sure it will be a fantastic time! The camp includes three hours of lessons a day for two days and all of the necessary equipment. All that is left for us to figure out are accommodations. I can't wait! Although I imagine it won't be the same as surfing on Maui!

In the evening, we went out for dinner with Kris and Claudine at East Side Mario's. We hadn't been there before and enjoyed trying something new. Then we went over to Colossus to see Spiderman 3. I definitely wasn't blown away. It felt to me that the movie took too long to build up and that there was a whirlwind of action to finish the storyline. Although the main characters had already been established in the first two movies, some of the new characters weren't developed enough and, as a result, the motivations for their actions did not ring true foilr me. The special effects were fun to watch, but overall, I found that the movie actually seemed long (I haven't felt that way about a movie for a long time!) Nonetheless, we had a very enjoyable evening with Kris and Claudine.

I spent Saturday renewing my first aid certification with Mom. Now that Caleb is venturing further into the world of solids I really wanted to be sure that I felt confident in my ability to help him if it ever becomes necessary. While I was out, Charles took Caleb to his first swimming lesson. I was really sorry to miss the first one, but I'll definitely be joining them for the rest of the session. They did a lot of singing songs and just moving around in the water. The only part that Caleb seemed wary of was when the babies were dipped underwater. We'll just keep working on that part! When I got home, we went to check out a daycare near our school. It was recommended to us by another teacher at work and when we called a couple of months ago they were full for September. Luckily for us, one family unexpectedly has to move away in the summer which leaves one space for an infant open for us! She has a fantastic set-up and her rates are quite reasonable so we're signing up for the available spot starting in September. It is such a relief to have everything settled for the school year. We stayed in for the evening as we were both exhausted! We watched some TV (The Office & Grey's Anatomy) and caught up on Facebook before turning in early.

This morning I woke up to flowers and gifts for my first Mother's Day. Caleb managed to select and purchase some fantastic items from Lululemon and Charles presented me with some of the Mums for Moms which benefit BC Women's Hospital. Then we enjoyed some waffles for breakfast and now Caleb is settling down for his nap. Today we're going to go see our Moms and stop by the new house to see the progress. Three more weeks...

Sunday, May 6, 2007

House Cooling

Last night we had friends over for one last big get-together before we move (less than four weeks now!). People started arriving around 3:00 and we had a good time visiting and nibbling on the many appetizers that friends provided throughout the afternoon. Caleb enjoyed visiting and playing with Mattias and Alex; however, at times he was a bit overwhelmed by all of the people! He got up on his hands and knees and had everyone holding their breath to see if he would actually crawl, but he decided to keep us all waiting. Maybe it will happen at the House Warming? A few people had to leave in the early evening and then Charles started preparing dinner for those who wished to stay. After putting Caleb to bed, we had rosemary garlic lamb, roasted potatoes and carrots. It was delicious! Of course, no evening would be complete without a game of Catan! Cori, Kelly and Rob stayed to play a game before they, too, headed out. We have really loved this house and truly enjoyed entertaining in it for one last time! I've added photos in the May album.