Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Week From Hell

I am so relieved that last week is over! It started with finding out that our house is delayed by two weeks on Monday and something negative happened every day for the rest of the week up until Saturday. I won't get into it all here, I've been able to vent a bit to friends and don't really want to think about it anymore.
On the up side, we did have a great time at Claudine's birthday barbeque last Tuesday. We had a delicious dinner and really enjoyed our time with friends and Kris's family. Thanks guys - it was definitely a bright point of my week!
Caleb had a fantastic week. He got into a sitting position by himself on Monday, started crawling on Tuesday, and waved bye-bye to us as we were leaving for the barbeque. We've had our hands full as he is becoming more and more mobile. No matter how many more foam mats we buy for the tile floor, he remains determined to get off the mats and onto the floor. Today he got the first of what I'm sure will be many bumps on his head. He cried for about a minute and then was back to his cheerful self.
So far this week has been much better and I hope it continues that way!

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