Tonight Trish, Jitt, and Tyler came over for dinner. It's been ages since we've had them here for dinner although they have prepared many meals for us; it was about time that we began to repay them! Before dinner the boys had a chance to become accustomed to each other and we were pleased to see that Caleb seems to be getting more used to the idea of other little kids being around. We had a Guinness Stew with new potatoes and sourdough bread followed by brownies and coffee. After dinner the boys watched a bit of the hockey game before Trish and Jitt had to take Tyler home for his bedtime. (I've added some photos in Caleb's March album.) Caleb was a bit more difficult to put to bed due to all of the excitement but who can blame him? We'll see if I'm so understanding if he wakes up in the middle of the night...
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Tonight Trish, Jitt, and Tyler came over for dinner. It's been ages since we've had them here for dinner although they have prepared many meals for us; it was about time that we began to repay them! Before dinner the boys had a chance to become accustomed to each other and we were pleased to see that Caleb seems to be getting more used to the idea of other little kids being around. We had a Guinness Stew with new potatoes and sourdough bread followed by brownies and coffee. After dinner the boys watched a bit of the hockey game before Trish and Jitt had to take Tyler home for his bedtime. (I've added some photos in Caleb's March album.) Caleb was a bit more difficult to put to bed due to all of the excitement but who can blame him? We'll see if I'm so understanding if he wakes up in the middle of the night...
Friday, March 30, 2007
Dining Out for Life

Last night we participated in Dining Out for Life by going to The Vault in Cloverdale for dinner. We hadn't been there before and were pleasantly surprised by both the ambience and the food. It was started by the same people who opened Washington Avenue Grill in Cloverdale and there were definite similarities in the menu and although there is a similarity in the eclectic decorating style, the Vault has a more sophisitcated feel. It is in an old bank building and you can actually eat in the vault. They are extremely busy and pretty much operate on reservations only. It was kind of strange to step off the main strip in Cloverdale into an entirely different environment. During dinner we enjoyed the music of Jason Mitchell. We didn't know of him before going so when Kelly invited us we didn't know what to expect; now I'm busy getting his music on my iPod. We were joined by Kelly's bandmate Wes his wife, Alison, and Cori. Kelly's band, The Little Brother Band, have a show there in April and so they wanted to check out the sound system and stage set up. It was really nice to have a chance to get to know Wes as the only times we've seen him he's been performing.
We decided to start expanding our network of babysitters beyond just grandparents and Kris came over to watch him for the evening. It worked out perfectly as we were able to put him to bed before going out. Kris didn't hear a peep from him all night. Whew! I was kind of nervous when we left but there was nothing at all to worry about. Thanks Kris!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Quick Update
PS - Help! I'm stuck on WeffRiddles level 54.3 (the second part).
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Spring Break Recap
Wow, I can't believe that Spring Break is already coming to a close. It's really too bad that the weather didn't really seem spring-like until today. However, we managed to keep busy. Last Sunday the three of us headed over to have dinner at Kris and Claudine's. Caleb seemed a bit wary of Alex (20 months) at first, but later became accustomed to his presence. After dinner, the boys went off to bed and we were able to spend some time visiting. It turned into a late night, but it was nice to feel as though we still have a social life!! On Tuesday morning we took Caleb to the pool and met up with Kris and Alex who were there with Kris's mom. Caleb is really enjoying the water. That evening we had my birthday dinner at Mom and Dad's where I enjoyed my requested dinner of Lasagne and Dad's Caesar Salad. We had a great evening with Mom, Dad, David, Cristi, and Chris. Caleb even received a gift of three pairs of infant DC runners from Cristi. They're sooooo cute!! On Friday we went to see Zodiac while Charles's parents babysat and then we came home to prepare dinner for Kris and Claudine. They brought Alex over and the boys had a chance to spend a bit more time with each other before both were off to bed. Neither one make a peep once they were down, and so we were able to play a game of Catan (my first time in months!) and chat for a bit before they were off home. On Saturday we had Grandpa's 100th birthday party (see below). This afternoon Rina and Carl came over with Mattias for coffee and we were able to catch up and let the boys get used to each other. Tomorrow it's back the beginning of the home stretch for Charles and before we know it we'll be moving
Grandpa's 100th
We were at Grandpa's house last night celebrating his 100th birthday! How disconcerting it must have been for him to awake to find 50+ people surrounding him in his home. The house was full of extended family and many old friends. Grandpa awoke in time for some speeches from Mom and Uncle Don and a delicious birthday cake made by Cindy. Of course the evening would not have been complete without music (no Yogi Yorgensen, though) which was provided by Uncle Glen on guitar followed by Tom on violin. Caleb was quite overwhelmed by all of the people but was able to pose for some pictures with his great-grandpa nonetheless.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Caleb has been a busy boy these past couple of weeks. We started our 'Baby and Me Aquafit'. The first day that we went he hadn't had his morning nap yet and he actually fell asleep in the pool for about 20 minutes of the class. I couldn't believe it! At least he wasn't the only one; there was one more little boy who fell asleep. At least I know he's comfortable in the water. The second time he was able to stay awake for the whole class and really got into it towards the end. It really is a lot of fun and the class is quite full with moms and their babies. We also spent a fun afternoon with Rina and Mattias. They came to our house and we went for a nice long walk before stopping at Cappulatte's for some lunch and lattes. We hope to go again soon. It's so nice to have some adult conversation during the day. Caleb has mastered sitting up by himself. He enjoys it so much that he is very unhappy if we put him on his back to play so he quickly rolls onto his tummy or fusses until we get him into the sitting position. When he's on his tummy, he often pulls his legs up under himself and tries desperately to push himself forward. I'm sure we'll see some forward movement soon.
Charles and I have also been able to get out a few times over the past little while. Our staff participated in a volleyball tournament so Caleb and I visited with the staff before the game and I met everyone at the pub after the tournament. We went to the Village Pub in
We finished all of the selections for the new house and the sale of our house closes next Friday. After that, all that is left is to start packing. There's a house with the same floor plan that is being built in East Clayton and we've been visiting it every week. It really gives us a good idea of the space and allows us to start planning where our furniture will go.
I've also decided to take the rest of the school year off so I guess I'll be doing most of the packing (and unpacking as we move at the beginning of June). I just decided that I'd much rather stay at home as long as I possible can. Caleb is becoming more and more fun every day. Now we're starting to look for daycare or a live-out nanny for September. Both are very hard to come by but Mom has a lead on a couple of possibilities in our new neighbourhood. Hopefully one of them pans out.
Yay! Spring Break starts this weekend!