Caleb has been a busy boy these past couple of weeks. We started our 'Baby and Me Aquafit'. The first day that we went he hadn't had his morning nap yet and he actually fell asleep in the pool for about 20 minutes of the class. I couldn't believe it! At least he wasn't the only one; there was one more little boy who fell asleep. At least I know he's comfortable in the water. The second time he was able to stay awake for the whole class and really got into it towards the end. It really is a lot of fun and the class is quite full with moms and their babies. We also spent a fun afternoon with Rina and Mattias. They came to our house and we went for a nice long walk before stopping at Cappulatte's for some lunch and lattes. We hope to go again soon. It's so nice to have some adult conversation during the day. Caleb has mastered sitting up by himself. He enjoys it so much that he is very unhappy if we put him on his back to play so he quickly rolls onto his tummy or fusses until we get him into the sitting position. When he's on his tummy, he often pulls his legs up under himself and tries desperately to push himself forward. I'm sure we'll see some forward movement soon.
Charles and I have also been able to get out a few times over the past little while. Our staff participated in a volleyball tournament so Caleb and I visited with the staff before the game and I met everyone at the pub after the tournament. We went to the Village Pub in
We finished all of the selections for the new house and the sale of our house closes next Friday. After that, all that is left is to start packing. There's a house with the same floor plan that is being built in East Clayton and we've been visiting it every week. It really gives us a good idea of the space and allows us to start planning where our furniture will go.
I've also decided to take the rest of the school year off so I guess I'll be doing most of the packing (and unpacking as we move at the beginning of June). I just decided that I'd much rather stay at home as long as I possible can. Caleb is becoming more and more fun every day. Now we're starting to look for daycare or a live-out nanny for September. Both are very hard to come by but Mom has a lead on a couple of possibilities in our new neighbourhood. Hopefully one of them pans out.
Yay! Spring Break starts this weekend!
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