This week has been a vast improvement! We are starting to see real progress in our house; all the kitchen and bathroom cabinets are in as is the laminate flooring. The ceilings have been sprayed and most of the linoleum floors are down. Now they need to paint before installing the countertops, mirrors, and carpetts. On the outside all of the siding is done and they are just working on the board and batten section. Of course this means that we finally have to really start packing.
We didn't get any packing done this weekend as we were pretty busy. Rina and I took the boys to Aquafit on Thursday. Both of them are really enjoying their time in the water. It seems like they both really get into it at the end of the class so we stayed in the pool playing with them for a while after the class was over. It was really relaxing for us all. On Friday we went for dinner at Pearl with Rob to celebrate his new job. They have a new chef and so there are some big changes to the menu; however, they've also kept a few of their signature dishes. We all really enjoyed our meals and, although we all shared a Creme Brulee, we we still able to walk up the beach for Gelato afterwards. On Saturday we took Caleb for his swimming lessons in the morning - he's getting really good at blowing bubbles! In the evening we went for an early dinner with Kris and Claudine at Wings. They've been telling us about the wings there for a while and we were glad to finally have the chance to try them out. They were great! After dinner we tried to get to the early show of Pirates 3 but it was sold out so we headed over to Chapters/Starbucks while we waited for the next show. Despite the fact that it's received some negative reviews, we really enjoyed the movie. Today we're going to head out to do some shopping between Caleb's naps so we can enjoy the afternoon in the sun!
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