Caleb sure is having a social week! After Alex's birthday on Saturday, we had Rina, Carl, and Mattias over for a bbq on Sunday evening. We hadn't seen them since their moving day, so it was really nice to catch up. The two boys hadn't seen each other in ages since Mattias was with his grandma on the day that they moved. Caleb was so excited that he didn't eat his dinner very well because he just wanted to play. Since he's normally such a good eater, we weren't too worried about it! We barbecued hamburgers (Caleb later loved his!) and Rina and Carl brought over a delicious salad and dessert. After dinner Caleb and Mattias played for a bit longer before Caleb had his bath and was off to bed. There are photos of the boys in the August folder. We were able to finally see Rina's photos from Greece - I definitely want to go one day - and we heard all about their rental house in Nanaimo. They have a fantastic flyer outlining all the features and showing great photos. It is such a cute little house; they'll have no problem renting it out.
Caleb is growing so fast! I know that I've probably neglected updating you all on his progress over the past little while. He's stands on his own for quite a while now and we're pretty sure he'll be walking soon; he walks all over the house with his walker and is getting really fast at it. His 'vocabulary' has expanded greatly and he really enjoys singing along with us; he also learned to scream after being around all the kids at Alex's party (great!). For mealtimes he's eating more and more of what we are having and he really enjoys the independence of feeding himself (with his hands). His newest skills include clapping and using sign language to indicate when he wants milk, daddy, or mommy. He also points at everything wanting to know what it is called and is in the routine of giving good-night kisses to all his toys (and mommy and daddy). I can't believe that he'll be a year-old soon - I'm already planning his party!