Well, we're half-way through summer and, for the most part, it's been great. The Bard-B-Q was fantastic. We saw Taming of the Shrew and it was hilarious. They used a Western theme for the play and, although still in Shakespearean English, they spoke with southern drawls. It was amazing! In the intermission we had a great salmon bbq and following the play we were directed to a private seating area where we had coffee and dessert while watching the Celebration of Light Fireworks (Canada performed). The next morning we helped Rina and Carl move to their new place (closer to us!). On Tuesday, we had the great news that Kris and Claudine welcomed their newest addition, Amelie, into the world. We went to see them in the hospital on Wednesday and everyone was doing great. That evening, we went to Jessica's to see China's fireworks show. She has the perfect roof-top balcony to view the fireworks as she looks right out onto English Bay.
The following weekend, I set off for a surf weekend with the girls. We left on Friday and it was pretty difficult for me as it was the first time I've been away from Caleb. Although I knew he was in Charles's capable hands, it was still pretty tough for me to say goodbye (even though it was only for three nights!) Mandy, Cori and I drove to the ferry together where we met up with Kelly and Christina. Cristi, Laura, and Suzanne caught an early morning ferry and were already at the house in Ucluelet when we got there. We had surf lessons through Bruhwiler Surf School on Saturday and Sunday mornings for about three hours. By the end of day two, we were all very comfortable with and somewhat addicted to surfing! I can't wait to do it again (perhaps in a warmer climate next time!). We were provided with wet suits which kept us warm and the weather remained dry throughout the weekend; the afternoons were actually quite sunny. We headed home on Monday afternoon and, despite having our ferry break down, driving to a different terminal, waiting in line for hours, barely getting on the 4:30 ferry, and redocking once we reached Horseshoe Bay due to a broken ramp, we eventually made it home.
Since then we've been kind of laying low. I was so happy to see my little family again that I just wanted them to myself for a while! We did go to Kris and Claudine's for an impromptu bbq a couple of days ago. Amelie alternated between eating and sleeping while we were there and Caleb had a great time playing with Alex and his toys.
Last night we received the sad news that Grandpa Larson passed away. He had been in the hospital for about a week and was apparently rested and peaceful when he died. Cindy had gone in to see him that morning, shaved him, and put on some music for him to listen to. After a full life of 100 years, he was ready to go. We all love and will miss him greatly. Will Yogi Yorgensen ever sound the same again?
Today we're getting ready to celebrate Alex's second birthday and Rina, Carl, and Mattias are coming over for dinner tomorrow. After that, who knows...?
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Thanks for writing this.
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