We returned home last night from Cusheon Lake Resort on Saltspring Island. The resort is one that Charles took his class to a few years ago, and since then we're returned three times with friends. The first time was with Mandy and Kevin, last year with Rina and Carl, and this time Mandy, Kevin, Rob, and (of course) Caleb joined us.
We arrived amid sprinkles on Sunday afternoon but by Monday afternoon it was clear and we enjoyed the sun on Tuesday and Wednesday. Sunday was spent getting settled and unpacking before dinner. After Caleb was asleep we all played Tricks followed by Catan - Cities and Knights which took us into the wee hours!
We attempted to visit two local bakeries on Monday (both were closed!) and we were pleased to find the Saltspring Island Cheese Factory open. After selecting a few varieties, we enjoyed a picnic lunch on the grounds. In the afternoon Rob and Charles took out one of the canoes while Caleb napped and Mandy and Kevin went into town. That evening we took a break in between games (Bang and Tricks) to go down to the hot tub.
Tuesday was a beautiful day and we began by driving out to Mount Maxwell which has spectacular views of the islands. On the way back to the cabin we went into town for lunch and then returned for Caleb's nap. Later that day we all trooped down to the lake for some swimming and sunning on the dock. Charles and I took turns with Caleb on the shore where he made some little friends and really enjoyed wading out into the water with us. We had a somewhat earlier night and finished up with the games around 11:30.
Wednesday morning was spent enjoying a leisurely breakfast before packing up. We went into Ganges and spent some time in the galleries and shops before having lunch and heading out to the ferry. I've added some photos in the Saltspring folder.
We were a little nervous about how Caleb would handle being in a different house again - would he think we had moved again?!? There was nothing to worry about, though, as he adjusted just fine and slept pretty much as he would have if we were at home. The trickiest part was when Charles and I would head off to bed; Caleb was sleeping in our bedroom and since it's been so long since he's slept in a room with us that we were sure that he'd wake up as soon as we opened the door. It turns out we were worried for nothing - we should have been more concerned about him waking us up as it turns out that he talks/laughs in his sleep A LOT! He is so active that it's no wonder that he is such a great sleeper. He had a fantastic time showing of for and playing with Mandy, Kevin, and Rob. I wonder if he's now wondering where everyone went!?!
This weeked we'll be heading out to the Bard-B-Q and Fireworks performance of Taming of the Shrew with Mandy and Kevin and then on Sunday we'll be helping Rina and Carl move. Then it will be less than a week to Surf Camp!!! Somewhere in there we're hoping for news of Kris and Claudine's new baby!
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